Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical Analysis

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This disk included with Numerical Analysis, Seventh Edition by Burden and Faires contains a C, FORTRAN. Maple, Mathematica. SECANT METHOD. This program uses the Secant Method to approximate a root of the equation f(x) = 0. The sample problem uses f(x) = cosx − x. INPUT: p0 = 1. The Secant Method. The secant method is an algorithm used to approximate the roots of a given function f.The method is based on approximating f using secant lines. The Algorithm. The secant method algorithm requires the selection of two initial approximations x 0 and x 1, which may or may not bracket the desired root, but which are chosen reasonably close to the exact root. The program uses the secant formula (aforementioned in the mathematical derivation) to calculate the root of the entered function. Here’s a sample output of the above MATLAB code for secant method: Secant Method Numerical Example: Lets perform a numerical analysis of the above program of secant method in MATLAB.

This page contains a list of sample Fortran computer programs associated with our textbook. In the following table, each line/entry contains the program name, the page number where it can be found in the textbook, and a brief description.
Chapter 1
elimit.f15-16Example of a slowly converging sequence
sqrt2.f16-17Example of a rapidly converging sequence

Nested multiplication

Chapter 2
epsi.f54Approximate value of machine precision
depsi.f54Approximate value of double precision machine precision
ex2s22.f57-58Loss of significance
unstab1.f64-65Example of an unstable sequence
unstab2.f65-66Example of another unstable sequence
instab.f66Example of numerical instability
Chapter 3
ex1s31.f76-78Bisection method: roots of exp(x) = sin(x)
ex1s32.f81-83Newton's method example
ex2s32.f86Simple Newton's method
ex3s32.f86-87Implicit function example
ex1s33.f95Secant method example
ex3s34.f103-104Contractive mapping example
ex3s35.f114Horner's method example
ex6s35.f 114-115Newton's method on a given polynomial
ex7s35.f119-120Bairstow's method example
laguerre.f123-124Laguerre's method example
Chapter 4
forsub.f150Forward substitution example
bacsub.f150Backward substitution example
pforsub.f151Forward substitution for a permuted system
pbacsub.f151Backward substitution for a permuted system
genlu.f154General LU-factorization example
doolt.f155Doolittle's-factorization example
cholsky.f157-158Cholesky-factorization example
bgauss.f167Basic Gaussian elimination
pbgauss.f169Basic Gaussian elimination with pivoting
gauss.f171-172Gaussian elimination with scaled row pivoting
paxeb.f174-175Solves Lz = Pb and then Ux = z
yaec.f175 Solves UT z = c and then LTPy = z
tri.f180Tridiagonal system solver
ex1s45.f199-200Neumann series example
ex2s45.f201Gaussian elimination followed by iterative improvement
ex1s46.f208-209Example of Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods
ex2s46.f211Richardson method example (with scaling)
jacobi.f212-213Jacobi method example (with scaling)
ex3s46.f217Gauss-Seidel method (with scaling)
ex6s46.f228-229Chebyshev acceleration example
steepd.f234Steepest descent method example
cg.f238Conjugate gradient method
pcg.f243-244Jacobi preconditioned conjugate gradient method
Chapter 5
ex1s51.f259Power method example
poweracc.f259-260Power method with Aitken acceleration
ex2s51.f261Inverse power method example
ipoweracc.f261Inverse power method with Aitken acceleration
ex1s52.f268Schur factorization example
qrshif.f276-277Modified Gram-Schmidt example
ex1s53.f282-284QR-factorization using Householder transformations
ex2s55.f302-303QR-factorization example
ex3s55.f304Shifted QR-factorization example
Chapter 6
coef.f309-311Coefficients in the Newton form of a polynomial
fft.f455-456Fast Fourier transform example
adapta.f461-463Adaptive approximation example
Chapter 7
ex1s71.f466-467Derivative approximations: forward difference formula
ex2s71.f469Derivative approximation: central difference
ex5s71.f473Derivative approximation: Richardson extrapolation
ex6s71.f476Richardson extrapolation
gauss5.f496Gaussian five-point quadrature example
romberg.f504Romberg extrapolation
adapt.f511Adaptive quadrature
Chapter 8
taylor.f531-532Taylor-series method
rk4.f542-543Runge-Kutta method
rkfelberg.fRunge-Kutta-Fehlberg method
taysys.f567-568Taylor series for systems
Chapter 9
exs91.f618-619Boundary value problem (BVP): Explicit method example
exs92.f624-625BVP: Implicit method example
exs93.f632-633Finite difference method
ex3s96.f657BVP: Method of characteristics
mgrid1.f668-669Multigrid method example
exs98.f670Damping of errors
mgrid2.f674-675Multigrid method V-cycle

The sample Fortran programs listed above can be found at the following anonymous ftp site:

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Last updated: 5/7/2003